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October 2014 | IBM WebSphere Portal Blog


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

New Custom Layout in Webspherer Portal 8


1  1)     Go to ibm\WebSphere\wp_profile\installedApps\cellName\SampleThemeEAR.ear  \SampleTheme.war\themes\SampleTheme\layout-templates in web-dav using Anyclient.

    2)   Create a copy of any template and paste in the same location.

   3)   Make necessary changes to layout.json file by adding below piece of code for custom layout   creation in portal (Registering new layout by adding an entry to the items array in the following format 



   4)      Make necessary changes to your template and refresh the portal page without cache to make it  available for pages to apply.

   5)      Click on 'EditMode' on Portal Administration and check for layout, you should be able to see your custom created layout in the list of layouts.

Steps for Configuring Multilingual Solution in IBM WebSphere Portal 8

1) Copy EN to AR library using MLS.

2) Create content (MLSConfig_Content) with MLConfiguration/LocalizedConfigFileAT and location of content under MLConfiguration library.

3) Update following properties for content created:
·         'Base Content Library' field for content with Library_EN.
·         'Content Libraries', fields 'Library_EN, Library_AR' libraries.
·         'HasRegionalizations' field as false.
·         'Content Library Owners' field as wpsadmin (owner name).

All content items in both libraries should be in same hierarchy structure.
If content are in same hierarchy then switching between locales fetches corresponding library content items.

Follow below steps if new content needs to be created in base library and to be available in other locale libraries

In base library i.e. Library_EN create new AT for new content with required fields and Text element with name My Translations.

In AT(MLS_Config) go to 'Default Content' tab, for 'My Translations' Text Element, click on the properties icon, and choose 'Text Provider' as 'ML Text Provider' 

Set the 'Custom JSP' field to the following value (for the Auto load version): readMode=/wps/wcmml;/jsp/html/MLAuthorTimeRead_AutoLoad.jsp,editMode=/wps/wcmml;/jsp/html/MLAuthorTimeEdit_AutoLoad.jsp

 Apply Workflow also for above AT.

Create content with above AT (MLS_Config) so we can see My Translations block save it and open  it again u see copy or link the content to Arabic locale library.

Content would be created with complete structure in Arabic library as in English library.

Update the Arabic library content with Arabic text  then switch WCM authoring portlet between locales i.e en & ar it would display respective locale specific contents.