WebSphere Portal 8 WEB-DAV features
Web DAV support is introduced in the IBM websphere portal from v6.1
onwards , but in v7.x it can provide a lot of
different things like below
- WebDAV for managing pages and static content
- Portal pages are represented as folders. They can contain subfolders that represent child pages.
- Static pages are placed in a separate folder. The content of static pages is represented as an additional folder named staticcontent.
- Updating metadata , globalization information
- WebDAV filestore. For example, this is used by mashup integration in the portal.
- Accessing public,users, system folders related to mashups.
- WebDAV for Web Content Management.
- Creating siteareas, components, updating the acl…etc
You can obtain the entry point URL to the WebDAV file store from the service document under the URL http://localhost:10039/wps/mycontenthandler/!ut/p/model/service-document
Different WebDAV entry points in websphere portal and WCM
- Entry point to access the Portal Themes
a. To download theme as zip file
b. To upload zip file to WebDAV
./ConfigEngine.sh webdav-deploy-zip-file -DTargetURI=dav:fs-type1/iwidgets/myWidget/ -DZipFilePath=/tmp/myWidget.zip
- Entry point to access the Portal Skins
Note: To download skin as zip file
- Entry point to access the Static Resources (common-resources, layouts,…etc)
- Entry point to access the Portal Pages :
- For default portal installations
- For virtual portals
i. If host name was specified when the virtual portal was created, the WebDAV URL looks like this
ii. If the virtual portal was created with a URL context only and no host name was specified, the WebDAV URL looks like this
- Entry point to access WCM libraries
Folder Structure looks like
- wcm.library.my_library
- authoringTemplates
- components
- presentationTemplates
- sites
- taxonomies
- wcm.library.contentlibrary
- components
- presentationTemplates
- sites
- taxonomies
Note: “/all” at end of URL is temporary fix who are using (without any cumuliative fix)
Folder structure and reserved folder names under fs-type1
The fs-type1 WebDAV entry points provide the following set of predefined root folders used by the Page Builder theme:
- themes
- skins
- layout-templates
- common-resources
- iwidgets
The fs-type1 WebDAV entry points provide the following set of predefined root folders used by mashup integration:
- public
- users
- system
- None of these folders can be deleted, not even by an administrator
- Folder and file structure is only simulated and is not a real file system structure.
- The properties files are only simulated. They contain parameters and their values. You cannot save any additional information, for example comments.
Using WebDAV , we can
- browse, changing metadata of portal pages.
- create, update, deletion of static pages under staticcontent. Users can access the content of static pages via the subfolder staticcontent
Using WebDAV, we can’t
- creating the new pages, updating the uniquename or objectid, copy or moving pages .
- updating portal content