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Access WCM compnnt from outside your Application i.e Jsp, using WCM Tags | IBM WebSphere Portal Blog


Sunday, October 30, 2016

Access WCM compnnt from outside your Application i.e Jsp, using WCM Tags

Include following WCM tags in your external JSP (Click Here  other technique to follow)

<wcm:initworkspace username="<%=userId%>" password="<%=password%>" >Cannot get Workspace</wcm:initworkspace>
<wcm:setExplicitContext wcmWebAppPath="<%= baseURL %>" wcmServletPath="/connect" path="library/Site/sitearea/sitearea" >Can't Set Context Information</wcm:setExplicitContext>

<wcm:libraryComponent name="Component Name without Libraryname" >

 Can't display seedlist information</wcm:libraryComponent >