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How to Fix browser URL length problems in Portal 7.0 | IBM WebSphere Portal Blog


Sunday, October 30, 2016

How to Fix browser URL length problems in Portal 7.0

Default WebSphere Portal includes navigational state information along with other information in browser URL will be in encoded form. Sometimes length of URL’s will exceed browser URL max chars limit. This might happen because of navigating from many pages and portlets on to these pages and this even can apply if long render parameters are swapped to the session..

With latest fix (WP CF002) , we can resolve this issue with following configurations. 
These can be set in the resource environment provider "WP StateManagerService":

1 - Go to the WebSphere App Server admin console.
2 - Resources > Resource Environment > Resource Environment Providers
3 - Click on "WP StateManagerService" and "Custom properties"
4 - Add properties which are needed as per requirement / task.
5 - Save changes to the master configuration
6 - Restart portal server

The following properties are available:
The HistoryManager allows to cleanup state for pages visited some time ago.
Allowed values are "true" or "false".
Default value is "true".
Example: historymanager.enabled = true
The threshold meaning the number of pages whose portlets and shared state should be kept. Must be a positive integer.
Default value is "10"
Example: historymanager.threshold = 10
Defines a strategy how the shared state is cleaned up.
Possible values are
a). no_removal : public render parameters will not be removed, i. e. only portlet specific state will be removed.

b). wcm_id  :  Public render parameters will be removed if the expired page has an explicit shared state bucket assigned that starts with the String "ibm.wcm."

c). explicit_bucket_assignment : Public render parameters will be removed if the expired page has an explicit shared state bucket assigned  regardless
of a prefix. This is a more general strategy than "wcm_id"

Default value is "explicit_bucket_assignment"
Example: historymanager.prp.removalstrategy = explicit_bucket_assignment