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IBM Websphere Portal 8 with MLS - Multi Lingual Support | IBM WebSphere Portal Blog


Thursday, October 6, 2016

IBM Websphere Portal 8 with MLS - Multi Lingual Support

Follow Below Steps For MLS:-

1) Login to Portal. Go to Administration - Portal Content. Copy the content of base locale library (Library_EN) to other languages using the 'Multi Locale Solution Library Copy' portlet.

Here, Locale is the language of the new library which you want to copy content from Source Library.

2) Create a new Content using MLConfiguration_v7 / LocalizedConfigurationFileAT......Authoring Template(AT).
Create New Content using Authoring Template LocalizedConfigurationFileAT

3) Set the content location as Libraries > MLConfiguration_v7 > Content > ConfigurationHome > ConfigurationData.

Content Name as 'MLSConfiguration (MLSConfiguration_Library)'.

In the 'Base Content Library' field,  enter the English language library 'Library_EN' and in the field 'Content Libraries', enter all the locale libraries 'Library_EN, Library_FRENCH',
Set the 'HasRegionalizations' field as false.
Enter the owner name in 'Content Library Owners' field. Here, wpsadmin is the Portal Administrator. Save and Close Content.

4) In the base locale library 'Library_EN', create an Authoring Template 'MyMLSAT'. Under 'Manage Elements', create a 'Rich Text' Element named 'Body' and 'Text'
Element named 'ML Translations'


5) In the same 'MLSConfig_EN)_', go to 'Default Content' tab. In the 'ML Translations' Text Element, click on the properties icon, and choose 'Text Provider' as 'ML Text Provider'.

Set the 'Custom JSP' field to the following value (for the Auto load version):

6) In the same AT 'MyMLSAT', go to 'Default Content Properties' tab and apply 'MLWorkflow' to this AT.

7) The next step is to create a content and copy or link it to other locales, so that the created content gets translated to other locales as well.

Create a new Content 'MyContent' using 'MyMLSAT'.

Here, you will notice that there is a section 'ML Translations' which displays the multiple locale libraries for this base locale library 'Library_EN'.

From the 'ML Translations' section, in the row for Base locale, either you can copy or link the content to other languages

Overall steps:
Copy EN to FR library using MLS.
Create content (MLSConfig_MOI_Content) with MLCOnfiguration/LocalizedCOnfigAT and location of content under same library.

Update following properties for content created:
    'Base Content Library' field for content with Library_EN.
    'Content Libraries', fields 'Library_EN, Library_FR' libraries.
    'HasRegionalizations' field as false.
    'Content Library Owners' field as wpsadmin (owner name).

In base library i.e. Library_EN create AT (MLS_AT) and Create RTE and TXT (type=MLTranslations) elements.

In above AT(MLS_AT) go to 'Default Content' tab, for 'ML Translations' Text Element, click on the properties icon, and choose 'Text Provider' as 'ML Text Provider'

Set the 'Custom JSP' field to the following value (for the Auto load version): readMode=/wps/wcmml;/jsp/html/MLAuthorTimeRead_AutoLoad.jsp,editMode=/wps/wcmml;/jsp/html/MLAuthorTimeEdit_AutoLoad.jsp

 Apply Workflow also for above AT.

Create content with above AT (MLS_AT) we can see MLTransactions block u can copy or link the content to French version.

1) Login to Portal. Go to Administration - Portal Content. Copy the content of base locale library (MOI_Library_EN) to other languages using the 'Multi Locale Solution Library Copy' portlet.
Here, Locale is the language of the new library which you want to copy content from Source Library.


2) Create a new Content using MLConfiguration_v7 / LocalizedConfigurationFileAT......Authoring Template(AT).
Create New Content using Authoring Template LocalizedConfigurationFileAT

3) Set the content location as Libraries > MLConfiguration_v7 > Content > ConfigurationHome > ConfigurationData.
Content Name as 'MLSConfiguration (MLSConfiguration_MOI_Library)'.
In the 'Base Content Library' field,
enter the English language library 'MOI_Library_EN' and in the field 'Content Libraries',
enter all the locale libraries 'MOI_Library_EN, MOI_Library_FR',
Set the 'HasRegionalizations' field as false.
Enter the owner name in 'Content Library Owners' field. Here, wpsadmin is the Portal Administrator. Save and Close Content.

4) In the base locale library 'MOI_Library_EN', create an Authoring Template 'MyMLSAT'. Under 'Manage Elements', create a 'Rich Text' Element named 'Body' and 'Text'
Element named 'ML Translations'

5) In the same 'MyMLSAT', go to 'Default Content' tab. In the 'ML Translations' Text Element, click on the properties icon, and choose 'Text Provider' as
'ML Text Provider'.
Set the 'Custom JSP' field to the following value (for the Auto load version):

6) In the same AT 'MyMLSAT', go to 'Default Content Properties' tab and apply 'MLWorkflow' to this AT.

7) The next step is to create a content and copy or link it to other locales, so that the created content gets translated to other locales as well.
Create a new Content 'MyContent' using 'MyMLSAT'.
Here, you will notice that there is a section 'ML Translations' which displays the multiple locale libraries for this base locale library 'MOI_Library_EN'.
From the 'ML Translations' section, in the row for Base locale, either you can copy or link the content to other languages