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WP7 - Taglib URI reference problems. | IBM WebSphere Portal Blog


Sunday, October 30, 2016

WP7 - Taglib URI reference problems.

In Portal 7 version, taglib description files (.tld) files are not available under the wps.ear/wps.war/WEB-INF/tld. (Ha vent find anywhere directly under installed folder).

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="portal-fmt" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="portal-core" %>

Unable to find taglibs & this problem with the WP7 taglib uri references when I was developing the Custom Theme ,but solved this by exporting theme as war using the EARExpander tool and import into RAD and update the custom code and deploy that WAR file. It will resolve the taglib references problem.
But actual solution to resolve the taglib references problem in the WP7 is to copy  the empty decorations.xml file under the WEB-INF folder of web application(custom theme).This will make sure to get the all tagLib references at runtime.

More information at link